You may be surprised to learn that taking care of a Persian is not as challenging nor as time-consuming as you would expect. Get ready to invest around 5 minutes every day.
Basic Care
- Groom your Persian’s coat on a daily or every other day basis. Breeders advise using a soft natural bristle brush and/or a comb. Avoid using nylon combs because they produce static electricity. If you come across a knot, gently pry it apart with your fingertips before brushing/combing it. If you must cut it, first insert a comb beneath the knot to detach it from the skin. Cut the hair resting on top of the comb using round-tipped scissors.
- Once in the morning and once in the evening, wipe crying eyes with a moist towel (no soap). Consult your veterinarian before using any cleansers or treatments to treat stains around the eyes.
- Check the skin for wounds, abrasions, and parasites on a regular basis.
- Bathe your Persian on a regular basis, at least once a month. Fill a basin/tub halfway with warm water. Make a lather with cat shampoo and apply it to the fur. Take extra care around the eyes and ears. Thoroughly rinse and pat dry. To avoid matting, run a comb through the coat. Allow the cat to dry in a warm place; some people even blow dry their cats.
- Check here for grooming advice for show cats.
Do Your Persians Require A Lot Of Grooming?
Because of its long coat, the Traditional Persian requires daily grooming with a brush and/or combing; nevertheless, this process should not take more than five minutes of your time. If you perform this on a consistent basis (every day), you won’t have to worry about mats or knots. While striving to breed Traditional Persians with fantastic health, charming temperaments, and stunning beauty, one of our ongoing goals is to produce dogs with coat textures that are easy to handle.
What Is A Good Grooming Routine For Your Persian Cat?
- Nails
Please be aware that declawing is an inhumane practice. On the other hand, trimming the claws is an excellent solution. Get a cat nail clipper. Put down the animal (it may take two people). Work the claw out from its sheath by massaging it. Remove the cuticle from the nail. Please do not cut through the pink area that can be seen on the inside! That is the cat’s vein, and if it is cut, it will bleed and be painful. If you have any concerns about this process, a veterinarian can walk you through it.
What is Declawing?
Declawing, also known as onychectomy, is an operation in which the cat’s claws are surgically removed. Declawing a cat increases the risk of bleeding and deformities. It is an extremely painful process, and the cat’s feet may continue to be sore for a considerable amount of time following the operation. Frequently, the cat will become overly sensitive to the regular touching of their feet during routine activities such as playing or grooming.
You should never allow a cat that has had its claws removed outside of the house. When a cat has its claws removed, it loses its primary means of self-defense. It’s not unusual for cats to develop new personalities after having their claws removed. Many cats have an exaggerated response to even modest stimuli, which manifests as biting or hissing. Some have litterbox difficulties.
Consider adopting a cat that has already had its claws removed if you are worried about the damage that may be caused by scratching. If you have a cat that is constantly scratching, you may try using a repellant, a scratching post, a water bottle, and frequent cutting of the cat’s claws.
- Eyes
It is important to clean your eyes every day to avoid the buildup of debris from discoloring your eyes or developing an infection. One product that is recommended is Opticlear by Tomlyn. It is a sterile saline solution that makes the removal of buildup simple and protects against discoloration. As a medium for wiping, you may use Q-tips or coettes. This product may be purchased at local pet shops as well as via online pet care catalogs.
- Teeth
It is important to remember to clean your cat’s teeth on a regular basis. Use toothpaste designed specifically for cats, which may be found at pet shops and pet catalogs. Use a toothbrush designed for babies or one designed specifically for use with animals. Brush those back teeth softly while securely holding the cat, applying some toothpaste to the brush, opening the cat’s mouth, and continuing to hold the cat. Remember to wash the front teeth, which are rather little, as well as the longer “fangs.” You may find it useful to place the cat on a counter or table so that it is almost at the same eye level as you are.
- Ears
First, inspect the cat’s ears to see whether it has any signs of ear mites (a vet check can tell you that). The ears of the majority of cats never need to be cleaned. Others seem to have a significant buildup of a brown waxy substance. In this scenario, you should make use of a high-quality product such as Earoxide or Oticlens. Make sure you’re using a Q-tip that’s nice and soft. Only clean up to the point where you can see that very little stub. The eardrum of a cat is positioned vertically. If you insert a Q-tip into the ear canal too deeply, you risk rupturing the eardrum.
Additionally, while cleaning the outer parts of the ear, you need to be cautious since the capillaries in the ear are extremely delicate and may quickly get bruised. If your cat requires cleaning, you should probably see a veterinarian about how and where to do the cleaning.
- Combing
Comb the coat every single day using a comb that has broad teeth. Checking for fleas is something else that needs to be done at this time. Do not pull straight on the mat if there is one there (this is quite likely to occur). While holding the matted hair by the part of the cat’s body that is closest to the skin, slowly move the comb through the top of the mat, removing a little amount at a time.
You won’t have to subject the cat to any painful tugging maneuvers if you do this first. If you are not successful with combing, you may always use scissors. Utilizing your fingertips, carefully peel the mat away from the skin. Cut the mat so that it slopes downward toward the skin. Be cautious! Cutting through the skin is a much too simple process. It could be helpful at this point to have someone else hold the cat for you in the meanwhile.
After that, brush the mat clean with a comb or brush with a lot of little teeth. In such circumstances, you will just need to cut the mat off so that there is a little gap close to the skin. Remember to use extreme caution so as not to cut the skin. It is in your best interest to avoid using scillors at all costs due to the fact that it is simple to cut the skin, which may result in the need for stitches. Note that the hair follicle contracts and becomes less active when the hair of a Himalayan-Persian is shaved or pulled off.
The point color is sensitive to temperature and will only emerge on the sections of the cat that are the coldest. You apply cold to a hair follicle on the cat’s body, and it will keep those hues on its body until the next time it sheds its hair. A lot of people are unaware of this, which is why you often see brown or gray cats in different places. In spite of their best attempts, some Himalayans have a hereditary predisposition to shadow.
- Fleas
Persian Cat Rescue advises against using any flea treatment other than Advantage. The use of the flea treatment Advantage, in conjunction with regular washing and grooming, should be all that is required to manage any flea issues.
- Bathing
The majority of cats have a relatively simple time getting acclimated to being washed. A spray nozzle that can be held in the hand performs the best. While you are washing your cat, you should talk to it. After the wash, you should reward him or her with tasty food or a lot of fun.
The potentially dangerous and slippery surface of a sink or bathtub may make some cats quite anxious. By placing a rubber mat or towel down in front of them, you may help allay some of their worries. If your cat is scared and starts to struggle, hold him or her firmly by the scruff of the neck. This will help you keep control of the situation.
Ensure that the temperature in the room is warm (78-82 degrees). Because humans have a lower average body temperature than cats, the water temperature that you give them may be a few degrees higher than what you give yourself.
Before giving a Persian a bath, it is important to COMPLETELY DETANGLE their hair with a comb to ensure that there are no knots or tangles. Always be sure to use a shampoo that is designed exclusively for cats. Avoid getting shampoo in their eyes at all costs. In such a case, be sure to completely rinse.
It is in your cat’s best interest to be blow-dried. You may do this by placing your cat in its carrier and pointing the hairdryer in its direction while holding the carrier over its head. NEVER turn on a heater. ever. It is quite likely that you will forget about it, which would result in the cat overheating to death.
- Handling Knots
Persian hair maintenance is unquestionably difficult. An owner should brush his or her Persian at least once a day and bathe them on occasion. A neglected coat develops knots. If the knots are still in their early stages, you should be able to untangle them using a metal comb and some detangling solution. Such treatments are available in pet shops, as well as veterinary offices and groomers. Inquire with the salesperson about the product he or she advises.
If your cat’s knots are really bad, they will almost certainly need to be cut/shaved off. (Note: depending on where the knots are, this may result in unsightly bald areas.) Make an appointment with a nearby groomer to have the knots removed, or try to cut them out on your own if they are not too close to the skin.
If your cat is severely knotted all over, you might consider having him/her fully shaved, leaving around 1/2 to 3/4 inch of hair for insulation. That way, your cat will be able to develop a new coat and you will be able to keep it from the start.
- Sanitary Clip
Let’s be real. All of that lengthy hair around your Persian’s behind might be a nuisance at times. After a trip to the litterbox, you could detect “something” hanging on. A sanitary clip may save you and your cat a lot of grief.
It is simpler to leave it to a groomer or perhaps a vet. Because not all veterinarians or groomers will be able or willing to perform it, here are some basic guidelines for doing it yourself.
- Begin by properly brushing the cat, and paying specific attention to the back end. As a result, the hair becomes untangled, and the cat becomes used to your presence in that region.
- Use tiny, sharp scissors. Begin by lifting the fur with a comb around the rear to prevent accidentally cutting into the flesh. When trimming, leave the hair approximately 1/2 inch long.
- Then, leave approximately 3 or 4 inches of length on the back of the upper-rear legs and the underside of the tail.
To keep your cat occupied throughout the process, offer him or her a toy to play with or have another person assist in keeping the cat from making sudden movements.