How to Groom Doll Face Persian Cats?

Fur Care

You should have their fur combed out on a regular basis with a gentle baby brush, which they really like.


Shaving a Persian is rather frequent, although the decision is ultimately up to the owner. The “lion cut” is a trendy hairstyle. It might be beneficial for the Persians to grow a new coat. A shaved Persian is also much simpler to groom!

High-Static Fur

Static electricity is especially troublesome during the fall and winter months. Here are some helpful hints for removing static cling from fur.

  • Soak your hands in regular hand cream before touching the cat.
  • Plastic brushes and combs, as well as wire slicker brushes, should be avoided. Instead, use metal or Teflon-coated materials.
  • Lay a wet paper towel on the fur while grooming.
  • Using an anti-static spray
  • Use a fragrance-free dryer sheet to lightly rub down the coat.


Before you begin, make sure the cat’s nails are clipped. Begin by brushing the fur. Fill the tub or basin halfway with warm water and set the cat inside (be gentle but firm). Wet the cat fully (but not the head!). Use a cat-specific shampoo to lather up the cat (be sure to follow whatever directions are on the bottle). Rinse the cat well to eliminate any soapy residue. Using a towel, dry the cat’s hair. Then, brush out any tangles with a stainless steel kitty comb. Use low heat when blow drying and brushing the cat’s hair. You’re finished when the cat is entirely dry!

The following measures, which are very easy to follow, will ensure that your cat’s bathing experience is stress-free, pain-free, and safe:

  • STEP 1 – Our feline companions detest getting wet, and there’s no getting around that fact. When your cat becomes frightened during the bathing process, take precautions to protect yourself from any scratches that may occur. To begin, you might think about donning a blouse with long sleeves so that the cat does not have access to any exposed flesh that it can scratch. You can also use long-sleeved gloves as a substitute if you don’t have one of those. If you keep your kitten’s claws trimmed, there will be less of a chance that you will get scratched. Simply cut off the very tip of each of the claws. Be careful, because the claws include a pink fleshy portion on the inside that, if you cut them too short, could cause them to bleed.
  • STEP 2 – The Persian breed is characterized by its long, thick and fine coat and is prone to matte build up, knots and tangles. Before you give your kitten a bath, remove any matte build up and knots by sliding in a wide-toothed comb under them and cut with scissors parallel against the comb so that you won’t cut the skin. Such fur ordeals can be prevented by daily use of wire brush to remove her loose fur and minor tangles.
  • STEP 3 – Make sure that you already have a container filled with warm water for rinsing and a tub filled with warm water for washing (3-4 inches deep – enough to cover your kitten’s paws) before bringing your kitten to the bathroom. Our lovely furballs have the tendency to be unnerved by running water.
  • STEP 4 – Gently settle your kitten into the tub. The feel of water against your kitten’s skin (once it gets through the coat) can make her riotous so maintain a good grip on the neck or shoulders before you start pouring water over her body.
  • STEP 5 – Apply a shampoo made for cats and rub it against your kitten’s fur while massaging her body. Work your way from her neck, body, legs, belly and up to the tail. Be sure not to get some water or suds on her eyes, mouth and nose to avoid irritation. Cotton balls should be placed on both ears so that water won’t get into the ear canals. Our veterinarian said that getting water in a cat or kitten’s ears may disturb it’s pH balance which can make the ears more susceptible to infection.
  • STEP 6 – Rinse your kitten thoroughly. Press as much water as you can from her fur before you wrap her with a towel. Rub her gently with the towel and continue to do so until the kitten is damp. Comb her fur as she dries with a help from a hair dryer while keeping its heat setting as low as possible.

Dental Hygiene

Cats, like people, may develop tartar on their teeth. Furthermore, Persians are susceptible to gingivitis. Proper dental care is an excellent habit to instill in your cat at a young age. Consult your veterinarian about arranging routine teeth cleaning. In between medical appointments, you may also clean your cat’s teeth. Revival Animal Health is a fantastic site to explore for teeth care items.

Ear Wax Build Up

Infections are sometimes indicated by filthy ears. If such a condition arises, you should get your cat examined by a veterinarian. He or she can tell whether an infection or ear mites are present. If this is the case, there are therapies available that should resolve the issue. However, if your veterinarian concludes that there is no substantial wax buildup, you may use a commercial ear cleaning (or your vet will probably have one that you could use at home). Otherwise, I’ve heard that a DIY solution of half hydrogen peroxide and half water is okay to use to remove wax.

Flea Problems

Flea eggs may remain latent on the ground for years, developing only when the earth vibrates. Aside from a quake, the faint tremor indicates a passing animal. Food!

The eggs of fleas are translucent. People can’t notice them or pick them off. What most people mistake for eggs is really flea excrement, which is completely composed of blood. When the small black pellets are moist, they revert to their crimson liquid condition.

Chemicals are not required. Diatomaceous earth is completely natural and environmentally benign, and it will eliminate a flea infestation both indoors and outdoors. A solution of Neem oil (Tee Tree’s relative) performs better than any chemical repellent. It’s also a fantastic coat conditioner and the finest treatment/preventative for fungus like ringworm.

Fleas may be a great pain, but you must employ chemical-based therapy. Make an appointment with a nearby groomer and ask them to give your cat a flea dip to bring the condition under control. If you prefer, you may give the cat a flea bath yourself. Consult your veterinarian about a safe dip to use; many over-the-counter dips and washes are too harsh for kittens, or for cats in general.

Make certain that all of your pets are treated at the same time. Remember that fleas spend 80% of their time on the carpet and ground/grass, therefore the surroundings must be treated at the same time as the kitten. Purchase a pest spray or a bug bomber for the home. Another option is to contact a pest control company and have them treat your house professionally.

You should consult your veterinarian about anti-flea products like Program, Advantage, or Revolution. These products are typically offered to your pet once a month. These drugs inhibit fleas from laying eggs, preventing them from reproducing and spreading. Always have a flea comb on hand. It’s a good idea to run the comb through your cat’s hair on a regular basis to check for flea dirt. (Some people shave their Persians to make it easier to find flea eggs.)

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