When the pregnant cat owner reads this term for the first time in a book written for expectant moms, she experiences a sharp pain in the lower right quadrant of her abdomen. Her emotions of fear only...
Category: Persian Cat Website
The exotic and regal beauty of the Persian cat captivates the attention of cat enthusiasts all over the world, which helps to make it one of the most coveted breeds of cats available in today's...
Are you familiar with these cat rules? LICK-IT DIETLet them open another can of food. Lick-it dry. Smear it around the dish then turn your nose up at it. An hour later you can sit by the dish and...
The cat is only domesticated to the extent that it serves its own purposes; it will not be kenneled or chained and will not allow anybody to dictate when it goes outside or when it comes back inside....
CAT PHRASEMEANSmiaowbuFeed me.meeowPet me.mroowwI love you.Miioo-oo-ooI am in love and must meet my betrothed outside beneath the hedge. Don't wait up.mrowI feel like making noise.rrrow-mawwwPlease,...
True Whenthe green eyesOf a catlook deep intoYou you knowThatwhatever it isthey are sayingistrue. Lilian Moore I Feel the Same Way The Cat Is a Creature The cat is a creature of...