You should give a lot of thought to whether or not you want to get a Traditional Doll Face Persian kitten or cat into your house before making the choice.
To begin, pose the following questions to yourself:
- Are you prepared to keep your kitten indoors at all times, or allow him outdoor time only under supervision unless you have a secure outdoor area from which he cannot escape?
- What is your 1st color preference?
- What is your 2nd color preference?
- What personality traits are you wanting in your new kitten?
- Energetic and playful?
- Lap lover?
- Cute and cuddly?
- Laidback and lazy?
- A combination of the above?
- Which gender do you prefer?
- Do you want to receive your kitten’s extended pedigree?
- Do you want your kitten to be desexed before he leaves the rescue/breeder/shelter?
- Are you prepared to give your kitten love, attention and security for the rest of his/her life?
Approximately 12 weeks after they were born, kittens are old enough to go to their new homes. At this point, they will have finished being weaned, they will have been potty trained, they will have been periodically wormed, they will have had their first immunization, and they will be microchipped. Before they are delivered to their new families, each and every kitten has a wash.
Safe Environment
Only loving, indoor households are eligible for one of these cute kittens.
Each kitten should have his own rug, which he will have had from the moment he was born. This rug will carry the aroma of his mother as well as the scent of his brothers, and it will make the transfer from our house to yours a lot smoother. If you wash this rug too soon, the familiar aroma will be gone, so please let your kitty use it for at least the first week before cleaning it.
Balanced Diet
Kitty litter should be reared in a home setting with plenty of attention and affection from everyone involved. Because we do not want to raise picky eaters, the food that the kittens are given should be balanced, diverse, and nutritious. It is likely that by the time your new kitten arrives, he or she will have already sampled several distinct brands of commercial wet and dry kitten food, raw beef/chicken/roo mince and occasionally liver, cooked beef and chicken, as well as canned tuna, salmon, and sardines in tomato sauce. In addition, he or she may have also consumed raw beef, chicken, or roo mince. In addition to that, they are provided with grated cheddar cheese.
You’ve probably heard the phrase. “You are what you consume.” Your Persian deserves a nutritious diet. Feed your Persian cat organic or holistic meals whenever feasible. We welcome you to learn more about the advantages of a natural diet at
Fur Care
You should have their fur combed out on a regular basis with a gentle baby brush, which they really like.
Shaving a Persian is rather frequent, although the decision is ultimately up to the owner. The “lion cut” is a trendy hairstyle. It might be beneficial for the Persian to grow a new coat. A shaved Persian is also much simpler to groom!
High-Static Fur
Static electricity is especially troublesome during the fall and winter months. Here are some helpful hints for removing static cling from fur.
- Soak your hands in regular hand cream before touching the cat.
- Plastic brushes and combs, as well as wire slicker brushes, should be avoided. Instead, use metal or Teflon-coated materials.
- Lay a wet paper towel on the fur while grooming.
- Using an anti-static spray
- Use a fragrance-free dryer sheet to lightly rub down the coat.
Flea Problems
Flea eggs may remain latent on the ground for years, developing only when the earth vibrates. Aside from a quake, the faint tremor indicates a passing animal. Food!
The eggs of fleas are translucent. People can’t notice them or pick them off. What most people mistake for eggs is really flea excrement, which is completely composed of blood. When the small black pellets are moist, they revert to their crimson liquid condition.
Chemicals are not required. Diatomaceous earth is completely natural and environmentally benign, and it will eliminate a flea infestation both indoors and outdoors. A solution of Neem oil (Tee Tree’s relative) performs better than any chemical repellent. It’s also a fantastic coat conditioner and the finest treatment/preventative for fungus like ringworm.
Fleas may be a great pain, but you must employ chemical-based therapy. Make an appointment with a nearby groomer and ask them to give your cat a flea dip to bring the condition under control. If you prefer, you may give the cat a flea bath yourself. Consult your veterinarian about a safe dip to use; many over-the-counter dips and washes are too harsh for kittens, or for cats in general.
Make certain that all of your pets are treated at the same time. Remember that fleas spend 80% of their time on the carpet and ground/grass, therefore the surroundings must be treated at the same time as the kitten. Purchase a pest spray or a bug bomber for the home. Another option is to contact a pest control company and have them treat your house professionally.
You should consult your veterinarian about anti-flea products like Program, Advantage, or Revolution. These products are typically offered to your pet once a month. These drugs inhibit fleas from laying eggs, preventing them from reproducing and spreading. Always have a flea comb on hand. It’s a good idea to run the comb through your cat’s hair on a regular basis to check for flea dirt. (Some people shave their Persians to make it easier to find flea eggs.)
Bad Breath
Bad breath may be caused by highly bad teeth, in which case he requires a dental cleaning, followed by home care (such as brushing and eating an adequate diet) from you. The veterinarian may show you how to wash your teeth and give you safe cat toothpaste.
Animals should never be given human toothpaste since it might make them extremely ill.
If he has particularly foul breath, you should get him checked out by a veterinarian to see what’s causing it. Bad breath may be a sign of more serious health issues, such as liver or renal illness.
Dental Hygiene
Cats, like people, may develop tartar on their teeth. Furthermore, Persians are susceptible to gingivitis. Proper dental care is an excellent habit to instill in your cat at a young age. Consult your veterinarian about arranging routine teeth cleaning. In between medical appointments, you may also clean your cat’s teeth. Revival Animal Health is a fantastic site to explore for teeth care items.
Before you begin, make sure the cat’s nails are clipped. Begin by brushing the fur. Fill the tub or basin halfway with warm water and set the cat inside (be gentle but firm). Wet the cat fully (but not the head!). Use a cat-specific shampoo to lather up the cat (be sure to follow whatever directions are on the bottle). Rinse the cat well to eliminate any soapy residue. Using a towel, dry the cat’s hair. Then, brush out any tangles with a stainless steel kitty comb. Use low heat when blow drying and brushing the cat’s hair. You’re finished when the cat is entirely dry!
Ear Wax Build Up
Infections are sometimes indicated by filthy ears. If such a condition arises, you should get your cat examined by a veterinarian. He or she can tell whether an infection or ear mites are present. If this is the case, there are therapies available that should resolve the issue. However, if your veterinarian concludes that there is no substantial wax buildup, you may use a commercial ear cleaning (or your vet will probably have one that you could use at home). Otherwise, I’ve heard that a DIY solution of half hydrogen peroxide and half water is okay to use to remove wax.
Eye Drainage
“Eye gunk” is another issue that Persians often face. Persians are prone to sinus disorders, such as eye leakage, due to the structure of their face and head (among other causes) (this is more of an annoyance to the cat than anything). If the cat is unable to remove all of the material, the owner must do so. What is effective? Wipe the cat’s eyes with a warm washcloth (no soap!) once in the morning and once at night.
Consult your veterinarian before using any cleansers or treatments to treat stains around the eyes. Many breeders advocate a homemade solution of an eighth of a teaspoon of boric acid and 8 ounces of water. Shake it up and soak the cotton ball in it. Be cautious not to overdose on boric acid, since it might hurt your cat’s eyes.
Safe Travel
Because the airline-approved travel box that your kitten will be transported in is quite comfortable and safe, the vast majority of kittens will spend the time spent in transit sleeping!
Travel Tips
Are you planning a summer road trip? Here are some suggestions for making your kitty’s automobile ride as pleasant as possible.
- Remove your cat’s food and water a few minutes before you leave. This reduces the possibility of an accident on the road.
- Baby diapers should be used to line the carrier. It provides a smooth and pleasant ride and also aids in the event of an accident. (Use a sheet or big towel to cover the diapers.) This will keep the cat from scratching up the diaper and eating bits of it.)
- Please keep an eye on the temperature of the automobile. It might be harmful for your cat if it becomes too hot.
- Always have water on hand.
- If you’re going on a long ride, bring some snacks.
- Include a familiar toy in the carrier.
- Talk to your cat often. He or she is certain to be distressed, and your voice will comfort him or her.
- Stop for a few minutes every hour or so, if feasible. Take this opportunity to take your cat out of the container and offer him or her some comfort and attention.
Litter Box
When your new kitten arrives at your home, it is imperative that you have a litter box that is sufficiently big and ready to use. As soon as you bring him home, put him on the tray, and continue to do so about once every couple of hours for the first day or two. By doing it in this manner, he will learn its location of it much more rapidly. If you have a very big home and want to give the kitten free reign of the house from the very beginning, it is recommended that you have up to three litter trays spread out over your home. This will ensure that the kitten always has a clean place to do his business.
It is important that you do not punish your kitten if it has an accident since they are still newborns and have extremely tiny bladders. They may also miss their chance to use the litter box because they get distracted while playing and don’t make it there in time. Be patient, as they will mature quite fast, and after some time, you will be able to gradually reduce the number of trays you use until you are just using one. This occurs rather seldom (depending on how many other cats you may have at home).
Litterbox Problems
Litterbox issues are common in cats. There are several possibilities. Your cat has determined that a litterbox is a bad place for him to be. The box might be dirty, or he/she could have had unpleasant urination or defection in it. Your cat might have been startled by a noise while using the box, or he or she could have been “ambushed” while in the box by another cat, a kid, a dog, or even you (if you were trying to capture him or her for whatever reason). This kind of aversion may need totally replacing the litterbox so that it does not remind your cat of bad events. You may need to purchase a new box, relocate it, and use a different sort of litter. Remember to keep the box clean by scooping every day and changing the litter every three days to once a week.
Other behavioral or physical changes, such as weight loss, apprehensive behavior, or changes in eating or sleeping patterns, may occur if stress is present. Punishment is not the solution to a litterbox issue. First, consult your veterinarian. Litterbox issues might be caused by health issues.
It has been suggested that booby traps put in the area of the soiling may deter pets from repeating the activity in the same spot. Two-sided carpet tape, which cats dislike walking on, a string of empty drink cans, little alarms set off by motion, balloons put up to explode against a tack on the wall if touched by the cat, and mouse traps hung upside down deliver a short, safe shock to the cat are among the tricks. Before putting up any traps, pet owners should contact their veterinarian.
Adjusting To New Home
Do not be frightened if, upon entering his new home, your kitten exhibits behavior consistent with extreme shyness and timidity. This is very normal and won’t last for very long in most cases. During the first few days, it is in everyone’s best interest to maintain as much peace and tranquility as is humanly feasible. Your new kitten is going to have a hard time adjusting at first since he has just been removed from the comfort of his mother and siblings and is now in a whole new environment filled with new sights, sounds, and scents.
There is no need to be concerned if, during the first few of days, your new kitten shows little interest in either eating or drinking. There are times when they do not want anything until they are able to settle in a little bit more. You should not make him eat or drink against his will, but you should leave some food and fresh water available for him. Please keep in mind that he may sob for the first few nights in the new environment. The best treatment is plenty of love and attention.
Now you get your reward of owning one (or more) Doll Face Persian Kittens
- Guarantees you an endless supply of love & affection – you will never, ever feel lonely
- Provides you with an unending stream of love and affection, ensuring that you will never, ever experience feelings of isolation.
- Provides a reliable source of friendship and loyalty at all times.
- resembles the purchase of live artwork with the purpose of enhancing the appearance of your house.
- Provides 24/7 entertainment.
- At the conclusion of a long and difficult day, it will lower both your pulse rate and your blood pressure.
- It is like having a natural hot water bottle on your lap and in your bed during the winter.
- Will provide happiness to people of all ages, from the tiniest toddlers to the oldest folks.
Have you ever considered what you would do if your Persian left the house? Nowadays, technological advancements may greatly enhance your chances of locating your lost or stolen cat. Pet microchips are getting more popular all around the globe. In fact, in several nations, they are currently needed.
The microchip is made up of a small tube (about the size of a huge grain of rice) that is put beneath the skin on the left side about shoulder height. The procedure is fast, inexpensive, and painless. It contains a number that identifies the owner by name and address. Other pertinent information, such as the cat’s health issues, may also be found in the database. For instance, if your missing diabetic cat was found, her condition might be handled. All vet clinics and animal shelters are required to have microchip scanning equipment so that animals may be readily recognized.