If you are looking for a cat who is loving, dedicated, submissive, affectionate, and laid-back, the Doll Face Persian is a perfect choice. Because this is a longhaired cat, its coat needs regular combing, which is a terrific opportunity for you and your pet to spend quality time together. The breed may be seen in a wide variety of coat colors and patterned coats. This breed is perfect for you if you want a cat that you can cuddle up with all day long.
Ancestry of the Persian Cat
The land that was once known as Persia but is now known as Iran is where the Persian people originated from. Phoenicians and Romans brought cats to Europe in the 1500s as highly prized goods for commerce. Cats were already popular in Europe at the time. The Europeans, taken aback by the long, silky coat of the Persian cat, bred the cats specifically to ensure that the characters would be passed forward. Turkey is the origin of additional long-haired cats known as Angora, which were used to improve the breed. It was discovered that there were references to these cats as far back as 1684 B.C.
There is a high probability that the true history of the Persian cat will never be discovered, although the vast majority of specialists are in agreement that longhaired cats, such as the Persian, are the product of a genetic mutation. It is likely that the European Wild Cat and Palla’s Cat, also known as the steppe Cat, were responsible for the offspring that gave rise to the longhair type of the cat. It’s likely that the cat that evolved into the progenitor of today’s Persian had a longer coat due to a genetic mutation at some point in its history.
For many years, people in Europe referred to any cat with a long coat as either a Persian or an Angora. The two names might have been used interchangeably with little difference. Dr. St. John Mivart, an English naturalist, wrote these insightful words in his significant book from the year 1881. ” The Angora, often known as the Persian cat, is notable for its enormous size as well as the length and finesse of the hair that covers its body, particularly the belly and neck. While the bottoms of its paws and the insides of its lips are often a fleshy hue, the majority of the time its coat is a consistent shade of white, yellowish, or grey.
It is reported to have a temperament that may be particularly sluggish at times, although this is by no means always the case. It is possible that this is the result of generations upon generations of excessive petting. The widespread notion that the long-haired cats with the name Persian now originated in Asia is supported by the breed designations Persian and Angora, both of which are derived from the word “Persian.”
Traditional Doll Face Persian
Persians who do not have any EXTREME FACE ancestors are considered to be really true traditional Persians.
They can only be produced by breeding two or more Pure Traditional Doll Face Persian cats together. There is no other way to get them. Due to the fact that there has never been any outcrossing to “display grade” flat Face Persians (extreme Persians) in this line, it is very crucial to safeguard and preserve these extremely uncommon genes. It is not only because of our profound affection for the breed but also because we want to make sure that the offspring of these lovely cats will be present for future generations to adore and take pleasure in. Therefore, we have a great wish that the lines stay unspoiled.
The Traditional Persian has a thick, fluffy coat that gives the impression that it is soft and fluffy, yet behind that coat lies a musculus, robust, and stocky body. The eyes are huge and round, and they are spaced quite widely apart. The tail is short and thick, in proportion to the body, and it is slanted downward, lower than the back. The legs of this breed are short and thick, contributing to the breed’s general round look.
This breed may range in size from medium to giant. Traditional Persians have large, round eyes, big cheeks, and a full, well-developed chin. Their ears are tiny and rounded, and they are positioned low on their heads. The head of a traditional Persian is large and spherical in shape. The nose, on the other hand, is set lower on the face, and it only has a very little break in the bridge of the nose. The up-curving lips contribute to giving the lovely expression that the fancier’s prize is looking for.
The traditional Persian is a medium-to-large breed with short, stocky legs and an overall look that gives the impression of roundness. It has a coat that is extremely long, flowing, and dense, and it comes in a wide variety of colors and patterns. The hair is also quite dense. The weight of an adult man ranges from 9 to 14 pounds, whereas the weight of an adult female ranges from 7 to 11 pounds. In CFA, the patterns are broken down into their respective divisions.
• Silver and Golden
• Shaded
• Smoke
• Calico
• Bi-Color
• Solid
• Tabby
• Particolor
• Himalayan
Persian Cat Doll Face vs Punch/Flat Face
Both Persians and Persian Himalayans may have one of two distinct facial structures: an extreme face or a doll face. [Case in point:] The Extreme Persian is sometimes referred to as the “show” variety of Persian. It has a nose that has been shoved in and is so short that it gives the impression that it has run into a wall. In point of fact, this specific trait is the result of many years of inbreeding that was carried out in an attempt to produce a flatter face.
Its significantly reduced tear ducts cause tears to flow directly onto the face, which results in persistent discoloration. This unfortunate cat has a malformed face, which makes it difficult for it to breathe and also makes it tough for it to eat.
On the other side, the traditional Persian, also known as the Doll Face Persian, has a nose that is proportional in length and location to the rest of its face and is of a regular length. The cat is in excellent physical condition. The Doll Face Persian is a representation of the classic Persian; this is how the Persian appeared prior to the extensive inbreeding that took place.
Novelty Cats Vs Pure Breeds, Will Doll Face Persian Cats Distinct?
Animal rights activists were afraid that people might be tempted to treat cats like pillows after seeing Ann Baker’s Ragdoll cats on television. The cats were being seen being tossed about by Baker. Her Ragdolls are developed for extreme placidity, which is a feature that is not present in the natural since in that environment, an absence of defensive behavior would be detrimental.
People who were afraid that breeders had gone too far for the sake of novelty were outraged by a dog called a Munchkin, which is similar to a dachshund. Short-legged cats would not be able to make it in the wild unless the mutation conferred some kind of benefit, such as the capacity to track prey into burrows, or at the very least did not make it more difficult for the cats to flee from danger.
Despite early criticism, the hairless and wrinkled Sphynx cat is today considered acceptable in many nations. The Peke-Faced Persian has just made its way to the United Kingdom; maybe the Munchkin, who is already said to have back issues, will make its way there as well. In my capacity as a regular cat owner, I feel compelled to pose the following question: “What on earth are people who like cats doing to cats?”
Under situations that are controlled by humans, mutations or features may be maintained for reasons related to aesthetics or curiosity rather than those related to what is in the cat’s best interest. This may result in particular breeds that are also healthy, like the Japanese Bobtail, or it can result in peculiar breeds that have downsides, like the Manx, if there are genes that cause death or other problems.
“In the world of fancy cats, the mutation is often spelled NEW BREED” (A Cat of Your Own, 2nd Ed. 1993).
Those who are responsible for breeding animals make an effort to eradicate anomalies, despite the fact that some breeders are ready to perpetuate them for the sake of their novelty value. Although cats have not (yet) been bred to such lengths as dogs, several breeds have evolved significantly over the years and are continuously developing. There is a desire to transform practically every mutation into a breed for the sake of novelty.
The following was published in the issue of the British newspaper “Sunday Express” that was published on December 11:
At the National Cat Show held in Olympia in 1994, the judges were so alarmed by the rise in the breeding of exceedingly abnormal cats that they decided to exclude the Over-Typed Persian from further competition.
Other formerly prohibited mutant breeds include the Rag Doll, which is as flaccid and passive as a sofa cushion and therefore is unable to defend itself in any way; the American Munchkin, which has legs so short that it can barely walk; the Peke-faced Persian, whose face is so flat that its eyes and sinuses are deformed and it must be on antibiotics for the rest of its life; the Scottish Fold and the American Curl, which have deformed ears, often accompanied by de All of these breeds were developed through the intensive inbreeding (offspring back to mother) of naturally occurring mutants that, in the past, would have been euthanized in a humane manner shortly after birth, but which have been propagated as a result of a trend in recent years toward extremely unusual pets.
“It’s a perversion we view with abhorrence,” says the RSPCA, and even the Cat Fancy admits that “The whole idea that you can create breeds of cats like a fashion designer designs clothes is terribly cruel.” The Cat Fancy also says that “The whole idea that you can create breeds of cats like a fashion designer designs clothes is terribly cruel.” Which is better late than never, given that one breeder at the event in 1994 said that “90 percent of Persians, regardless of whether they’re ultras or not, have clogged tear ducts.” The RSPCA is worried about a new breed of cat called the Bengal because it is a hybrid between a domestic cat and a wild cat and because it has the potential to be harmful, particularly to youngsters.
The narrative was alarmist, and it featured a lot of falsehoods and misunderstandings about the breeds themselves. Nevertheless, it mirrored the worries about ultra-typing, as well as the concerns about “novelty breeds,” in which the cats’ health may be jeopardized.
Ultra-typing is authorized, despite the fact that breeds selected for “deformities” aren’t winning over the judges’ favor. In order to maintain compliance with the “letter of the law,” the terms of the standards need to be reinterpreted when the cat travels farther and further away from the kind that it was originally intended to be. Even if the Peke-faced Persian is not acceptable, the standard for the “regular” Persian may soon need to be changed in order to maintain the position of the nose leather below the eyes. It seems that the criteria for a “short muzzle” are being read as “no muzzle” due to the influence of ultra-types, which have provided a whole new interpretation of the need that the nose leather be positioned “high.” It will soon be important to specify the outside boundaries of what is acceptable if we do not want the cats to experience any kind of distress.
The production of ‘ultra-type’ cats is becoming more popular as a result of the present trend of making already existent breeds more extreme. If the so-called “ultra-type” proves to be popular with the judges, then more breeders will start producing it in order to stay competitive. Even if non-exhibitor cat owners may have a preference for the “old style,” the standards are altered to suit it, and as a result, the “old style” becomes unpopular and is seldom seen. Some breeders believe that in order to remain competitive on the show bench, they are under pressure to adapt their animals to the new appearance.
“Exhibits that have been overtyped and so display erroneous type should be penalized since this is the responsibility of the judges. If judges lack the willpower and confidence to continue this road, ultimately a new appearance will be placed in place within the breed, and the standard will be revised to reflect this new ‘style.’ This is not necessarily in the breed’s best interests in all circumstances.” (From Letters Published in the National Cat, August 1993)
“Breeders are able to produce greater and more extreme individuals with terrible effects for the health of the breed when the standard adopts a ‘anything goes’ attitude,” which means “anything goes.” (From Jeff Spall’s Letters, which appeared in Show World in March 1993)
In the past, the Siamese was said to have resembled a shorthair with colored tips. It had a more robust appearance than the present, delicate-looking Siamese, who are characterized by an extremely tubular body, a very wedge-shaped face, and extremely slender legs; these characteristics are the result of selective breeding for an extreme foreign form. Breeders have sought to ‘refine’ the Siamese, despite the fact that it is believed that both forms exist naturally. One American breeder of Traditional Siamese cats claims that the CFA Siamese breed council changed the definition of a Siamese cat so that the original cat can no longer be shown because it does not meet the revised breed standard. According to this breeder, the CFA Siamese breed council changed the definition of a Siamese cat. The new criteria not only inspire but also compels breeders to generate an animal that is even more extreme than those that were already in existence before the standard was modified.
Some people in the United States believe that the breeders of the new-style Siamese were aware that their “look” could only be maintained by and within a controlled breeding program, and as a result, they encouraged the new style in order to capture a market. Other people, however, believe that this is not the case. Breeders of older-style cats assert that they have been pushed to the outside of the industry as a result of new-style breeders’ success in convincing cat fanciers and cat owners that only ultra-slim cats are the real deal. And it goes without saying that any breeders who disagreed with this not only saw their market share decrease, but also lost access to ultra-typed male cats.
However, a significant number of people who like cats want the traditional Siamese kind. The classic “Applehead” Siamese is presently making a reappearance alongside the extended “Classic” Siamese in the United States of America. This is due to the fact that a number of American breeders have refused to accept the contemporary, slimline Siamese. It is a topic of polite friction between traditional breeders and new-style breeders that pet owners indicate a preference for the Traditional kind of the Siamese. It is said that the participation of Traditional Siamese in the household pet class of a CFA show has the potential to virtually halt sales of new-style Siamese at that show and, for a period of time after the show, in the geographic area of that show, as members of the public who enjoy cats look for old-style Siamese cats. There are currently breeders in the United Kingdom working with Traditional Siamese as a consequence of public interest in the breed, and in Britain, colorpoint British Shorthairs and Tonkinese are becoming more popular among those who like the older kind of Siamese.
There is evidence, in the form of drawings and stuffed specimens, that the Angora and the original Persian were quite similar. The American ‘Piggy’ (Ultra-type) style is becoming more popular among Persians, who have undergone significant development and are still evolving today. These individuals have nose breaks that are so high that their nostrils are virtually in the same position as their tear-shaped eyes, and their lips do not seem to shut all the way.
This tendency is causing concern among some breeders since it may lead to difficulties with jaws that are too short. Not all civilizations allow ultra-type cats. It’s possible that ultimately, because of the pressure of numbers, they will have no choice but to accept them. In my opinion, the “punched-in appearance” is unappealing, and I much like the “Doll-faced” Persian, which has wide eyes and a larger snout than other breeds of the Persian cat. They have such lovely, gentle faces, and I really hope that they aren’t overlooked when judges get more used to seeing Ultra-types in competition.
With the creation of the ‘Peke-faced’ Persian, the American Red/Red Tabby Persian was pushed to its genetic limits. Peke-faced puppies are born naturally among litters, and despite certain concerns about their wellbeing, the breed was formed despite this fact. A writer who writes for the American publication ‘CATS MAGAZINE’ claims that they are becoming extinct due to the fact that their squished and wrinkled muzzles, in conjunction with their high palates, are creating suckling issues in the kittens and a high death rate among the kittens (as high as 50 percent ). In most cases, a cesarean section is required in order to successfully birth a Peke-Faced kitten.
Peke-faced adults often have difficulty breathing and have restricted tear ducts, which causes them to have persistent tear flow down their cheeks. I was crying along with them when I watched them on TV. On the altar of novelty lay the gorgeous long-haired, heavy-boned, and sweet-faced Persian that had been maintained by my grandmother. These Persians had faces like my grandmother’s.
The Singapura is arguably the tiniest breed of cat, while the Maine Coon or Ragdoll is the biggest breed of cat. The size range of cats is not as broad as that of dogs. There have been several failed efforts in the United States to breed tiny cats. One of these breeds, the “Mei Toi,” was marketed as the “first genetically micro cat, mature at 4-5 lb,” but I haven’t been able to find any other information on the species. Instead, advertisements for Mei Toi Munchkins are being made at this time.
A breeder of Persian cats got in touch with me in 1996 to tell me that their 14-pound stud tom was producing small kittens on a regular basis. This was presumably the consequence of a spontaneous mutation of the germ cell. Although the feature looked to be dominant, the stud cat was of normal size, which suggests that a mutation occurred in the cells that produce his sperm. There were worries that small cats may potentially have recessive genes for normal size, and that these cats could perhaps impregnate miniature females with regular-sized offspring, which would have terrible consequences. The tiny Persians have been shown to be robust and healthy in all of the test breedings that have been carried out so far under the direction of a geneticist and a team of veterinarians. There were two degrees of miniaturization found in the kittens that were sired by that specific stud, but seventy-six percent of them were miniatures. Toy Persians reach their full maturity at around 5 pounds, while Teacup Persians reach their full maturity at about 3 to 4 pounds.
Many people who like cats believe that breeds that have wild blood display still another extreme in terms of the novelty value they provide. A number of zoos have shown Tigons and Leopons, and domestic and wildcat hybrids were grown as far back as the 1800s. Hybridization for the sake of satisfying human curiosity is not a new phenomenon.
Only very lately have hybrids been used as the foundation for the creation of new breeds. People who normally would have purchased an exotic wildcat kitten that was gotten by murdering the mother sometimes choose to have a Bengal instead since it has the look of a wild animal but has a mild-mannered disposition. The Bengal’s wild origin, although contributing to the unique appeal of the breed, does not seem to have resulted in any significant health issues.
I’ve been to a few cat exhibits, and although I’ve seen some gorgeous examples, their pens have all had signs that say “would not handle” on them. When breeding for exceptional appearance, there is a risk of forgetting the importance of temperament. The end effect is cats that are so stunned that the judges fear touching them. My friend who breeds Burmese cats describes her feline dogs as looking like “feline Rottweilers, but they look great.” It doesn’t matter that the judges turn white when they get close to them.
When I worked at the animal shelter for cats, we once took care of a beautiful Silver Classic Tabby Shorthair whose demeanor was so terrible that he had to be placed in a home as a farm cat. This was hardly an appropriate position for a cat that should have been a show-stopping cat or an attractive pet.
I have a lot of respect for breeders and breed groups who prioritize temperament in their dogs and puppies. Although the Spotted Mist and the Bengal are both developed with temperament as well as beauty in mind, none of these breeds display the extraordinary levels of placidity that are characteristic of IRCA Ragdolls. It really pleased me to learn that the breed standard for the Spotted Mist states that “there is nothing extraordinary about the Spotted Mist.” If only moderation was a central theme in more breed standards and was strictly policed on the show bench, we’d be in good shape.
As someone who does not participate in cat shows, I can say without a doubt that I do not comprehend the breeders’ motivations for producing ultra-cats, which I do not find appealing. However, the thought of where this trend may go makes me feel extremely depressed.